Curbing behaviors- Let's Get Creative!
I have done alot of research on students who have behavioral difficulties along with a chemical/emotional difficulties. Chemical makeup and how we genetically are made are factors that can not be changed. This makes things quite tricky for the ones who are trying to curb unwanted behaviors. Devising behavior plans and interventions for students who suffer from ADHD, Mental Health disorders, Cognitive disabilities and any other biological factors that effect the brain is extremely tricky. I have found through experience as an ESE teacher and as a Mom of a son with a cognitive disability that each child is different and that it takes many trials and many moments of "back to the drawing board" before finding a strategy that works for each situation. Research shows that "t here is no one method that should be prescribed for any one problem. The first essential is to study the individual concerned - his or her likes and dislikes, circumstances, idiosyncratic behavior pat...